With the implementation of the Wisconsin Trail Pass July 1, 2015. It makes sense to add a webpage ‘Trail Pass’ dedicated to it on our club website. It will remain on the website until the program is in full swing with all the questions, bugs, and problems worked out of it. Each sled operating in WI will be required to display a Wisconsin trail pass to be purchased annually.
 The information immediately below is for out of State Registrations & Trail Passes and is currently in effect for this 2015-16 snowmobile season. Â
Out of State Registrations & Trail Passes
Coming from out of state?
Wisconsin law requires those who use Wisconsin snowmobile trails to display a Wisconsin registration and a snowmobile trail pass. Funds from this program will be designated for use as trail aids and related costs to enhance all Wisconsin snowmobile recreation.
The trail pass may be purchased over the counter at many authorized sales locations or by calling WDNR at 1-888-WDNRINFo (1-888-936-7463)
The $50.00 non-resident snowmobile trail use pass is valid from July 1st through June 30th.
A snowmobile trail pass is required to operate a snowmobile not currently registered in Wisconsin on a snowmobile trail. The snowmobile must be currently registered with another jurisdiction. The trail pass must be permanently affixed by its own adhesive to the bottom center portion of the snowmobile windshield. If there is no windshield, the sticker shall be displayed in a highly visible location on the front of the cowling of the snowmobile. Once affixed, the sticker may not be removed or transferred to another snowmobile.
Wisconsin’s New Trail Pass begins July 1, 2015
Ordering WI Trail Pass FAQ Chart
AWSC 2015-16 Trail Pass Order Form June 10, 2015
WI Trail Pass – It’s Almost Here! June 10, 2015
All+You+Need+to+Know+About+WI+Trail+Pass April 7, 2015
New Trail Pass Clarification from AWSC 4-7-2015
Trail Pass April 2015
Trail Pass Quick Facts March 2015
AWSC non spouse and business info for Trail Passes
Trail Pass Q&AÂ October 2014